Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's an acquired taste.

Somehow I always find myself falling for the potential. That's my downfall, I look too much at the big picture, I lose the important details on teh way. 2010 is gonna be different. I'm going to follow my resolution: "only say what you can do". I'm gonna take it all as it comes and deal with it then.

Romance? ehh, not high on my list of priorities like sex is, but I guess I'll deal with it if it comes up-- highly unlikely though, thank goodness. Though I cannot deny The Spark; if it shows up, all I can do is follow it. With sex and sexual relations, I'll have to play it by ear, but of course since I've got the pussy, I'll be making the rules on that.

Dieting? uhhh no. let's be reasonable, what's the root of diet? DIE. I am gonna go hard on my dance and theatre shit though-- that's my hustle and what's gonna become my legacy. I can't be slacking on that!

bring it on 2010-- you're gonna be my bitch. mark these words.

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