Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh wow.

This is clarity. I've let go and let God, and lo and behold I'm over Hands McCoy and his charms. I wish him the best, but I've got to do me. I've decided to post the little fortune cookie sound bites that helped me when times got hard:

>> "And just like that I don't need you quite so much. Just like that I don't crave your touch. As startling that is to you, imagine how shocking that is to me."

>> "Forget the cute habits he used to do: the way he'd lick his lips before he'd kiss you, how you fell asleep with him over the phone, the way you smiled when you heard his ringtone. Forget it all, he's now the past; he's not the first and he won't be the last."

>> "Getting back together with someone is a difficult decision that only you can make. So before you bite the bullet take a moment to consider this: this is the same guy, who not too long ago, looked you right in the eyes, took into account all the emotions you had for him, thought of everything you had to offer him, and all the love you would've given him-- and told you he was no longer in need of your company."

>> "Do you want to give him the power to crush you again? No."

>> "Love shouldn't be about who's got the upper hand, or the most power. Love should be about love."

>> "No one has control over the way you feel but you, if someone messes with your emotions, they've got to go. You make the rules for your life."

Here's hoping that this new flirtationship I've gotten myself into with YoungBallz [[see A.C.]] will reach a conclusion that doesn't involve prison.

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