Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Well excuse the f*ck outaa me.

I was just informed that its entirely my fault for not feeling The Spark
with Cowboy-- its because I'm "too picky". I'm the one who's gotta be in
this relationshit with him, so pardon me for thinkingthat meant I
decided when or if anything was happening and on my terms. I'd rather be
intimidating and too picky than otherwise because then I'm weeding out
the weak, the losers and the immature. I'll save myself more trouble
than a little singleness will do.

And I know for a fact I deserve the kind of relationshit I want with the
kind of guy I want. Because I'm worth it. I'm gorgeous, I'm funny, I'm
smart-- a mother fucking catch if you fucking will. So
getthefugouttahere with this too picky horseshit.

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