Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is this world coming to?

When did our "sexual revolution" become a "devolution" for the male gender? Where in our quest to level the playing field did we become the sole pursuers?

I'm honestly trying to wrap my mind around how I am not only being pursued by any guys, but how guys have come to expect that I do the pursuing. Listen. I want to be wooed, pursued, seduced like everyone else-- having a healthy sexual appetite doesn't mean I'm going to seek you out to bed you or what have you.

I'm beautiful, funny, charming, intelligent, witty and a good laugh to have around. So why am I single? I have no idea, so please stop asking me like it's my fault. That's one of my pet peeves, when someone says to me, "You're so gorgeous, why are you still single?" or "you're just too picky, there are loads of guys interested in you!" This isn't how this works; just because a guy is interested in me doesn't mean it is or will be mutual. So don't assume it's all my doing, because I can assure you its not.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm too much for most men to handle, and I've come to terms with the fact that I can be too much for anyone to handle at times. I'm not looking for love, because when it's meant to happen, it will-- all I'm looking for in a guy is fun times, a good kisser, a great sense of humor and if he can make me feel like the lady I am. Is that so hard to find? Yes, damn near impossible.

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