Friday, January 30, 2009

He's getting soft on me.

Uh oh.

There has been some unrest in the land of T, and not only has Hands McCoy been acting out of character, daVinci code has been hovering about my inner circle.

Hands McCoy (for more on him, see A.C.) has been wanting to hang out, and his texts are becoming less dirty and more endearing. I want to hear about you tearing my clothes off and clearing off tables, not that you want to cuddle and it'd make you happy to hang out. You're a FWB (Friend With Benefits), not PBM (Potential Boyfriend Material).

daVinci code has been doing that junior high staring thing, but he's one upped himself. He's started moving seats to be closer to wherever I'm sitting, he's having his friends talk to my friends and he's been talking to friends when I'm talking to them. STRESSFUL. If you want to talk to me, make an effort, we've been over this.

boys, can't we pull our shit together and just man up for once? I'm tired of taking the reins, and dealing with your nonsense. We're not dating so there's no incentive to even consider catering to your ego, and even if I were dating, do you think I'd date you? haha I know how useless and careless you are-- besides, you're not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for a MAN.

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