Monday, May 24, 2010

i'm not sorry i met you.

Well this relationshit I'm in with Ginger is taking off, and to date I haven't had a thought or urge to cheat, leave or sabotage. This is crazy considering my track record. He keeps me on my toes, and I keep him guessing-- we're complete opposites but its complimentary I think. Sometimes its kinda anxiety wrought because I am so out of practice with monogamy that when he asks me things sometimes I'm so busy searching for double meanings and trap doors I don't actually realize till later that he was being straight forward.

Being in a relationshit-- relationship, I suppose-- where things are how they are at face value and there's no underhanded manipulation, is exhilarating-- AFTER I remind myself that he says what he means and means what he says. I'm grateful that he's patient and stubborn haha if he'd have given up when I told him to months ago I wouldn't have him now. The Spark is intense haha and our attraction is incredible, we've had crazy amounts of sex. check A.C. for that.

But he's a doll, Miz Sara Jane was broken up with last night and his first words were "fuck that guy, tell her to come over, should I go get alcohol?" He's a great guy and he is genuinely friends with my besties. Not to mention the fact that we talk-- like hold actual conversations, talk at length about feelings and how situations make us feel. I've never had this level of communication in a romantic relationship, and it's a crazy feeling. knowing that there's a guy that genuinely cares about how i'm feeling and will ask me and tell me how he feels. it's give and take at it's basest form and it's important to me.

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