Sunday, May 30, 2010

Micro Bitchrant

Within the last few weeks, I have become much more attuned to how many blind, irrational, and/or utterly moronic women there are out there who are more or less breaking their own hearts. Well, ladies, this one is for you…

First and foremost, let's get one thing clear: HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU. If he has a girlfriend that he hides you from, he does not love you. If he goes a week without speaking to you, he does not love you. If he always makes the issues your fault, he does not love you. If you have never met his friends or family, he does not love you. If you attempt to have a serious discussion with him about where your "relationship(shit)" is headed and he dismisses you, he does not love you. If he broke up with you, he does not love you. If he lies to you, he does not love you. And if he cheats/betrays you, he does not love you.

He is not shy. He is not busy. He is not confused. He is not unaware of or unwilling to admit his "true" feelings. In my experience and observation, I have learned that a guy will literally do almost ANYTHING for a woman he truly loves and wants to be with. He will man up and respect her. He will be honest with her. He will spoil her. He will communicate with her. He will do all those things that you've been tricked into thinking "just aren't in a man's nature to do". Well, sweetie, they are in a MAN's nature—they're just not in the nature of that asshole you've been wasting your time with.

It baffles (and disgusts) me at how many women I see making excuses for these little boys. Just because his dick gets hard and he plays dress-up does not mean he's a man. More importantly, he's not really YOUR man and he's not the man you need to be involved with. So get to truckin', sister. You've got shit to do.

And trust me—I get it. It hurts to break up with someone you really care about. It hurts to give up on someone that you've invested your EVERYTHING into. I have been there time and time again. But it's better you dump his ass, keep your dignity, and affirm your self-worth than get your ass dumped and be obliterated by his selfishness. It's time you stop missing his ungodly ass and start celebrating your own BAMF-ness. On the real. And by any means necessary.

Have I made myself clear? GOOD!

(Okay, so this wasn't "micro", but it served it's purpose for the time being. Keep checking for the more in-depth sequel to this post. I've struck gold, I think…)

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