Thursday, November 13, 2008

I need you like a stripper needs razor burn.

So perhaps my last post was a bit hasty. I was talking with a friend and instead of getting all upset over daVinci code's lack of balls, he reminded me to remember that not only am I sexual enough to have pulled daVinci code from the path of righteousness, I also prompted him to cheat on his significant other. Thanks James for putting it right in my mind.

But it doesn't help that daVinci code has regressed. Ugh. Childish, another reason I have no patience for nor desire to be in a relationshit with anyone. The stress brought on by my own life is more than enough to keep me busy, I don't need to connect that with anyone else's, especially not with any one around here. Self-centered lot of bigots and ignorant fools, not appropriate significant other material for a boss such as I.

Seeing as how I am in no man's land, daVinci code is probably my best bet for getting any, so I'm gonna need him to wrap up this battling demons thing and just grow a set AND TEXT ME! I just need a guy to take me in a manly fashion, to just make me feel dirty and girlish. Why is that so difficult?

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, the only ones interested in touching my body (besides the fluke find of daVinici code) are freaks, losers, rude black guys and Fuckbaggerson. I don't know what that doucher is still texting me trying to rekindle the flirtationshit we had over the summer. I grew tired of being mind fucked all the time so I cut it off, now he has no attention from me and it's driving him mad. "Hey wanna bang tonight?" in a text message to me, despite how desperate you might think I am, does not make me want you. Remember I am a classy bitch with standards, which is how you were cut in the first place.

Speaking of that, what is it with guys and assuming that just because they're a (self-proclaimed, more often than not) good looking guy, that when they step to a girl she's going to drop trou and bed him where he stands? Listen, I've got the pussy so I'll be making the decisions here. Don't think that any dick will do; heavens no! I have needs just like any other person, but unlike a guy I have standards and will stick to them-- I'm not a slut, I have a healthy sexual appetite.

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