Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why are you so i n f u r i a t i n g?!

This is severely frustrating. I cannot believe that you're pulling this again, aren't we past evasiveness and being coy? Honestly when you pulled this stunt back when I really liked you, that was irritating enough, but now when you have been on top of me (as well as other things) you wanna do this again?

NO. I'm not one of those whores you fuck who don't mind if you drop them and pick them up when you're bored and alone. N O. I am a prize, I'm a fucking catch, so why don't you act like it? You're not God's gift to women, not by a long shot, and frankly I'm tired of you being a child.

MAN THE FUCK UP. I don't see why we suddenly have this communication problem, you've shown no problem with your ability to text in the past and so help me I don't see why you're starting this nonsense now.

We aren't exclusive and we're not dating, I'm well aware of that. "No papers, no promises" has been my heralding phrase from the get go, but its common courtesy to send at least a "what's up" to the girl you're sleeping with. I'm trying to be an adult, but I'm tired of being the O N L Y adult here.

I don't date because of nonsense like this, and it really pisses me off that you're bringing this nonsense into my sex life. I like you as a FWB because you fit what I'm looking for right now, and it works. But when you pull this shit, it makes me wonder what your fucking game plan is. Do you want to cockblock yourself? Because God's green earth, you've certainly done it. You know, the first day when you didn't text I wanted to punch you in the face and then have hot angry sex with you, but now? All I want right now is to fucking uppercut you in the fucking groin and as you fall to the ground in pain I wanna drop kick you in the throat.

You better pray when you text me again, I'm in a great fucking mood, otherwise I'm tearing you a new one. And what's funny is if I do rip you a new one you probably won't understand where it's coming from. You'll be sitting there reading my texts saying "what is going on? what did I do?" That's sad that you won't know what you did wrong, so I'll make it simple for you-- IT'S BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT I'M FUCKING ANGRY.

Rage. I have so much fucking rage right now, I cannot wait to hear from you so I can give you a piece of my mind. I'm really hoping that this is the last straw for me so I can really wash my hands of you and all your bullshit. But if it's not then you're gonna have to straighten up or get better at taking my frustrations. I've deleted your number, so this one's on you. The ball is in your court and so help me if you don't get on the game soon I'm just gonna tell you plain and simple, "Lose my number, pretend we never met, if you see me, be a pal and don't fucking talk to me. I'm done with you."

I swear, if you try to charm your way back in because you've got a feeling I'm upset, I'll go straight to reaming you, I will not pass go and I will not collect $200. Let's be the adults we're supposed to be, because I'm done babysitting. I like you, I really liked you, and I want you to stay in my life because you're great to be around-- but GAWDDAMMIT you're infuriating. Idk if you think I want a relationshit from you and that's why you're doing the Kansas City Shuffle, but I could never date someone who's okay with forgetting me. I could never get attached to someone who's alright with not talking to me. I don't want to fall for someone who has no problem leaving me hanging. So don't go getting a big head, you're not the only one out there.

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