Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1, 2, 3... GO!

It's been one wild ride. I can tell you that much. And it's days like these... when I'm excited for it to get a whole lot wilder.

I'm in good spirits today. Sound spirits, too, might I add. I'm not fucking up too much in school... with a little focus, I can fix it. I am about to mount my successful short play in New York... as director, too! And I think I may be employed. I'm still a hot mess. Or as I like to call it: CREATIVE CHAOS. Hey, I am just an infinite process/progress. And I'm alright with that.

I was really sad about the whole, "I don't get any play. I'm sexually destitute. I am not in love and nobody wants me!" thing. And then I realized that God -- yes, God -- just wants me to LIVE. No stress, no worries. Just do it. And when it all falls together... I can do "it". You know, the whole sex thing. The whole romance, love, relationship thing. I'm still set on that.

I listened to my roommate and male floormate have a heart-to-heart about sex last night. And basically, I was judged and ostracized because I still believe in the sacredness and intimacy of the whole act. Yes, I am a fan of lust and the sexual revolution. No, that doesn't mean you can just fuck whoever you want, when you want. If I'm going to my dirt... I want to do it with some I love, trust, and respect. And vice versa. I'm holding out on that. NO. MATTER. WHAT.

I don't judge others, though. If you slut it up... or even if you're not a slut, but you have had multiple casual partners... that's cool. I almost envy you in a way. But that's me. If you're sexually open and explorative and risky... I congratulate you! I'm not there. YET. I'm still prim and proper, sugar and spice, and mostly everything nice. Therese says I'm still a virgin really. And I'd agree. I have had my experiences... but I am not "experienced". And in a way, I don't want to be.

Call me crazy... but I want to WAIT. Not until marriage. But definitely until LOVE. Concrete, undeniable, genuine LOVE. All caps... you know I'm serious. So yeah... I'm abstinent again. I earned it. I deserve it. I OWN it. And I'm learning not to give a FUCK what anyone else thinks or does. (Pun intended.) Sex is now literally equated with coming into myself... and making a connection with someone else after. In other words, it's another one of the processes I'm involved in. And it may seem like nothing is happening for a while.

There's no rules. There are examples. There are other people's experiences and opinions and advice. But there are no rules. But for now, I know that I need to just be cool, haha... I don't want to have sex with anyone right now. Of course, I miss it. It's hot. Duh. But there's sooooooo much more to it than that.

And yeah, I won't lie... I am waiting for Mr. Right, even if he's not Mr. Soul Mate. Again, that will all work itself out. So until then...

I run like hell towards everything I want in my life. I can't forget that. I can never forget that.

1 comment:

Berry*Impromptu said...

Good for you mamas! We can still be sexual creatures and still have control over our sexcapades..

The Revolution is about ENJOYING and appreciating sex and not demonizing it.. if being in Love makes it hotter for you.. why have it any other way?

<333 ily