Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A dream man or a dream of a man?

I had a weird dream last night and part of it involved a guy who essentially swept me off my feet and when he kissed me I felt it clear down to my toes. I've always wondered at the term "dream man", does this mean the man you've dreamed up or a man that's actually in your dreams?

From what I remember this dream man was at least in part of my "PBM Prerequisites", and in a sense he was someone I didn't notice romantically until he kissed me. Then it became a whole new ball game.

Most girls feel their "dream guy" will materialize at some point and take them on their white horse into the sunset. I'm hoping mine will show up and ravage me on our kitchen floor as we're cooking dinner for our parents. This guy from my dreams could be this guy, except he doesn't really exist-- at least he doesn't as far as I know. IF YOU DO, GET AT ME.

Does this make this guy my dream guy or just the guy of my dreams? Either way, what does it really mean?

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